Hoppin, Charles Arthur, The Washington Ancestry: and Records of the McClain, Johnson, and forty other Colonial American Families (Name: Priv. Print; Location: Greenfield, OH; Date: 1932;)

Source Information

  • Title Hoppin, Charles Arthur, The Washington Ancestry: and Records of the McClain, Johnson, and forty other Colonial American Families (Name: Priv. Print; Location: Greenfield, OH; Date: 1932;) 
    Short Title The Washington Ancestry: and Records of the McClain, Johnson, and forty other Colonial American Fam 
    Repository www.ancestry.com 
    _BIBL Hoppin, Charles Arthur. The Washington Ancestry: and Records of the McClain, Johnson, and forty other Colonial American Families. Name: Priv. Print; Location: Greenfield, OH; Date: 1932;. 
    _SUBQ Hoppin, Charles Arthur, The Washington Ancestry: and Records of the McClain, Johnson, and forty other Colonial American Families 
    Source ID S371 
    Linked to Willemptje Pieterse Wyckoff